Our Programs

Schedule Options

  • Full Time

    Our full time program runs Monday through Friday 7:30am to 3:30pm.

  • Early Arrival

    The early arrival program begins at 6:00am. Breakfast is offered to children that attend early arrival.

  • After Care

    Our after care program runs from

    3:30pm to 6:00 pm.

  • After-School Club

    Older children are picked-up from their school by a designated staff member and brought back to our center for our After-School Club. (K-4)

    (Coming Soon! Not currently offered)

  • Summer Camp

    Summer camp runs from June through August. During the summer camp months the children’s curriculum has more fun activities, outdoor water play and special performances such as a reptile show, puppet show and more.

    Limited availability for children not currently enrolled at the center. Special Performances are subject to change based on performers availability.

  • Parent Date Nights

    A special Saturday childcare option for currently enrolled families. Date Nights will be hosted once a month. Dates and times will vary.

    Please ask us for further details and information.

Please contact us by filling out a sign up form or sending us an email for further details and pricing information.

Infant Program

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Our infant program provides a nurturing and safe environment for your little one to explore, learn and grow. Our infant curriculum is designed to meet the unique and individual needs of your child by providing an opportunity for hands-on exploration and play. The infant classroom is designed with age appropriate shelves, tables, chairs, climbing equipment, mirrors, books, sensory table, art and carefully selected toys to further aid in their development in cognitive, fine and gross motor skills.

Our caregiver plans activities that encourage children to individually explore as well as group activities to encourage social enrichment while always ensuring the infants needs are met. We believe that building a close relationship with the caregiver is very important, especially for infants. Young children need to feel safe and secure when they are away from home, that is why we provide a consistent routine and familiar faces everyday so your little one can feel as secure and content as possible.

Toddler Program

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Our toddler program provides many opportunities for your child to learn and grow in a safe and loving environment. The toddler classroom is organized into learning centers to engage children in learning through play while building independence. Our toddler curriculum is designed to encourage children to explore on their own as well as activities planned by our teachers such as story time, centers, calendar time, music and art. A Toddlers mind is like a sponge that absorbs everything in and around their environment, their social and emotional development are a big part of their growth at this age that is why our teachers love to help the child but also give them an opportunity to resolve the need on their own to build confidence and growth. Our teachers work with parents to ensure we are focusing on important milestones such as potty training and language development together. The toddler classroom has a small toddler size toilet and sink to give the child a real-life like experience of learning to use the restroom. A big part of our curriculum is teacher observation, to adapt our plans based on each child’s needs to create the most meaningful learning experience.

Preschool Program

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Everything is a learning opportunity! Children are given more freedom to explore based on their interests as they are engaged in the classroom learning centers. Our curriculum gives your preschool child the opportunity to learn to share and play with others, build independence and confidence, and acquire the skills needed for kindergarten. The preschool classroom offers an organized and nurturing environment that provides children with structured group activities, individualized learning opportunities, play, and numerous activities to encourage your child’s development. Preschool children are engaged in group circle time, purposeful play, meal times, and an opportunity for rest time as needed. Our preschool teachers observe and asses each child’s needs and works one on one with parents to ensure your child is kindergarten ready. Our curriculum engages your preschooler in the following areas, Circle Time/Large Group Activities, Small Group Activities, Creative/Art Activities, Outdoor/Large Motor Activities, Math, Writing/Language Arts, Dramatic Play, Sensory/Science, Music & Movement and Spanish. Our preschool teachers are passionate about providing a high quality caring environment for your child as well as getting them ready for exploring the world.

Outdoor Play:

We believe in outdoor play! It is a very important part of every child’s developmental growth. Children need unstructured time to play alone and with other children and to be allowed to make up their own games on their own or just simply explore the outdoors fresh air and natural environment. Outdoor play encourages children to maintain a healthy lifestyle as adults as well. Sunshine exposure plays a big role in our bodies immune system as well as promoting  healthy sleep and improved moods. For this reasons all our programs have a dedicated outdoor play time for your child’s active play. We also ask for all our parents to send a coat/sweater and good shoes for your child to be able to fully explore the outdoors safely.

Sensory Activities:

What is Sensory Play? Sensory play is the type of play activities that stimulate the children’s senses, primarily focused on touch, sight, and hearing. Sensory play is important because it is essential for brain development. It builds nerve connections in the brains pathways, which lead to the child's ability to complete more complex learning tasks. Sensory play help support cognitive growth, language development, fine and gross motor skills, social interaction and problem solving skills. Our curriculums at Bloom and Learn Childcare are all focused around sensory play activities and offer the child many opportunities to exercise their newly developed skills. 

Rest and Recharge:

We grow when we sleep. A lot of the child's growth happens during sleep. Sleep promotes optimal growth and development in young children.  Our curriculums are packed with many stimulating and fun activities that can often tire a child out. This is why we encourage a quiet time/nap time during the day's routine. If the child does not wish to nap we offer a quiet time to recharge where the child can read books, color/draw or work on an individual activity. Often times teachers play calm and relaxing music to help the child to unwind during their recharge time period. Most of our younger children under 3 years of age do take naps unless otherwise preferred by the children's parents. After the recharge time or nap most children wake up energized and ready to continue learning, socializing and exploring.